Dr Joseph Boxerman
Feb 21, 2025 • 3 min Article

The mountain air is fresh and crisp. Purity and harmony pervade the atmosphere.
You awaken feeling invigorated and ALIVE! If you are active and fully engaged in the world, this 3-month retreat will be the source of sublime memories … but more than that … an entry into a new world, vibrant with inner being, a source of refreshment for months to come. Having attended this course, you will understand the power of periodic retreats as the key success factor for more profound action in your chosen field, bringing greater achievement and fulfillment in your life.

Open a precious door

And if you are inclined to exploring the inner world of consciousness, your time with Purusha in the Himalayas will open a precious door, the door passed through by great saints and sages of the past: The understanding and experience of your COSMIC SELF, the ultimate goal of great seekers from times immemorial. Not only will your experiences of consciousness deepen beyond your previous expectations, but during the study hours you will find, laid before you, Maharishi’s profound understanding of the inner

The uncreated commentary

When Maharishi looked into the ancient Vedic Literature he found in Rik Veda the very Constitution of the Universe, the timeless mechanics of the hidden vitality by which everything in the physical plane is animated.  Starting with the very first word of Rik Veda, AGNI, Maharishi explains in exhilarating detail the poignant significance of each letter of that first word.  And when expanded to the full text of Rik Veda, we understand Maharishi’s great discovery:

The Apaurusheya Bhashya, the “uncreated commentary” - how Rik Veda is so structured that each subsequent segment of the text is seen as a commentary and elaboration of what came before. With this holistic and unifying knowledge, the life of humanity on Earth comes into focus.  The apparent chaos is drawn back to the source, and our vision of life as a natural and orderly progression to higher consciousness for every human being, becomes stabilized and purified.

Take your practice to a deeper level

Maharishi's Apaurusheya Bhashya Course is a precious opportunity for every man practicing Transcendental Meditation and the TM-Sidhi Program, including Yogic Flyer, to take his practice to a deeper level, and to marvel at the wonderful, life-transforming changes such an experience brings about.

What we find is life supported by Natural Law. Our quiet thoughts get quickly fulfilled with minimal effort. Happiness and fulfillment are the order of the day.  Life as it should be, the expression of the Inner Divine, materializes in activities great and small.

The light of peace

And the inner peace we feel is naturally radiated into our near and far environment, and we are blessed to be a peacemaker in a troubled world, a beacon-light of certainty and direction for those we meet, and a joyous agent of a new world order, in which happiness, peace and calm reign in a world of blossoming diversity, anchored by the unity of pure consciousness within.

We invite you to join us in this life-transforming experience and open a door of all possibilities for yourself and for our dear world.


About the author: Dr Joseph Boxerman first found out about TM in a college sculpture class at University of California, in Berkeley, when he became very good friends with three other art students in the class who had just learned TM.  He learned TM, became a TM Teacher and that has been his life direction ever since.  He has taught Transcendental Meditation in many locations throughout the United States and the world and was a member of the Maharishi Purusha Program for 18 years. He received his Masters' Degree in Business Administration (MBA) from Maharishi International University (MIU), USA, and was honored with a Doctorate in Maharishi Vedic Administration and a Doctorate in World Peace by MERU (Maharishi European Research University). Since 2014 he has been a member of the faculty of business and management at MIU.


Enjoy the view of 2022: Maharishi Purusha’s yearly highlights … just for you.